Sutter Peak Charter Academy values parent choice while heavily relying on parent input for the educational direction of each child. Each child has unique interests, talents, and academic abilities. Sutter Peak Charter allows parents, with the support of a credentialed teacher, to build an educational program that best suits the whole student and his/her academic goals and personal passions. Students are expected to take personal responsibility for their education, and since parents are responsible for managing their child’s daily educational experience, it is important that parents are prepared to assist their students in meeting the following guidelines:
Attend school five days each week. Learning can take place in a variety of ways
Spend an average of one hour per day in each subject area. Actual time may vary depending on the ability level of the student and the assignments covered each day/week. The minimum time expectations for the state of CA is as follows:(https://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/pa/instructionaltimetable.asp)
Kindergarten - 3.4 hours/day
Grades 1 - 3 - 4.8 hours/day
Grades 4-8 - 5.14 hours/day
Grades 9-12 - 6.17 hours (1 hour/subject student is enrolled on Master Agreement)
Submit quality work, showing evidence that 80% or more of the assigned work is completed.
Attend regular parent/student/teacher meetings. Teachers are required by law to meet in-person with students a minimum of every 20 school days. Missed meetings must be rescheduled to occur within the next 2 school days.
Participate in all required assessments (NWEA MAP, ELPAC, CAASPP, SBAC, PFT).
Maintain acceptable behavior expectations as outlined in the PCI Student-Parent Handbook.
Correspond in a respectful manner through email, text, voicemail, etc.
If a parent or student fails to meet the responsibilities outlined above and as stated in the PCI Student-Parent Handbook, the school will send a letter to the parent/guardian informing the family that the student has failed to meet the minimum standards. The letter will include the reason for the notification so parents and students are aware that they are not fulfilling their school responsibilities.
Warning letters may be issued for any of the following:
The teacher, upon evaluating the student’s work, determines that less than 80% of the assigned work was completed.
Parent or student misses a scheduled meeting (without appropriate warning or reason).
Failure to comply with the behavior policy of PCI
Failure to attend mandatory testing
Student is caught cheating or violating PCI plagiarism policies
A student maintaining an “F” grade in more than one class during the semester or receives a final grade of “F” in more than one course in the same semester
A student’s grade point average drops below 2.0 in a single semester
Student has exhibited offensive behavior towards a staff member and/or another student
First Warning Letter
Will be given to the parent/guardian and student.
Second Warning Letter
A phone call will be made to the parent/guardian and a conference between the teacher, student, and parent/guardian will take place to discuss the incident(s) so that necessary changes can be made.
Third Warning Letter
Mailed to the student’s residence and the student is put on probationary status. This meeting, between the teacher, parent/guardian, student, and any necessary support personnel (i.e., Counselor, Site leader, and Special Ed. Coordinator,) is mandatory to discuss next steps or to determine whether Independent Study is the appropriate strategy for this student (EC 51747 c (7). The student may be referred back to his/her school of residence. Any further academic/behavior misconduct will result in the student being withdrawn.
Misconduct of any kind results in the student being withdrawn from school with notification made by mail and a phone call by the teacher to the parent/guardian.
For a full explanation of family expectations and all school policies, please refer to the Pacific Charter School Student-Parent Handbook.